Organic Gardening In Fiji

So proud of this guy (my Dad) growing organic produce in Fiji. He’s been busy over the last few weeks as it gets into the peak of spring. It is amazing to see the lush productive garden thats being managed all by hand. A small tractor or Clydesdale horses maybe in the picture to scale up. Scaling up will help the endeavour become more economically sustainable.
He is trying to grow nutrient dense food, to sustain a health vegetarian diet.
We add a lot of trace minerals to our soil, with seaweed, coral sand as well as organic commercial trace element products.
Exciting to see this project progress and where it’ll be in the years to come. I aim to go over towards the end of the season for a few months. Hopefully I can lend a hand, although most of the harvesting may have been done at this point.